Monday, April 19, 2010

Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect


The type of learning where the baby does something and there is something to happen in return.

Example: When a baby is playing with a jack in the box and they wind it, it eventually pops out. When they stop the baby then sees that the toy stops.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Breast Feeding

Reasons you should breastfeed
  • Strengthens baby's immune system
  • Gives baby proper balance of nutirents
  • Helps mother recover from pregnancy
  • Convienence for mother, no bottles formula etc.
  • SIDS is less likely to happen to the infant

Reasons why you should not Breastfeed
  • Bottle feeding can give the mom more flexiility
  • The baby has more of a chance to digest the formula than breast milk
  • It is easier to feed the baby in public

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sleep Patterns

Sleeping Patterns

Usually a newborn baby sleeps 14-18 hours a day within the first week of birth. The baby will then sleep 12-16 hours a day about the first month. Also, during the first couple of weeks the baby will only sleep about four hours at a time, day or night. At 6-8 weeks the baby will gradually begin to start sleeping for longer periods of time.

Good Sleeping Habits

To create good sleeping habits you need to learn the signs that the baby is tired. Start to teach them the differnce between day and night. This will also help the parent so their not up all night with the baby. To teach the baby you should not play with him/her at night to get them roudy and thinking its "playtime". Start a bedtime routine that the baby willl get used to and then know its bedtime. Lay the baby down when they are sleepy but not asleep yet so it gives them a chance to fall asleep on their own. This will help so they get used to falling asleep in their own bed.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010

B. F. Skinner

Name: B. F. Skinner

Theory: With repeatedly doing things the child will eventually learn it and when something bad happen when they repeat it they wont do it anymore.

Why it is useful: This will help with keeping the child behaving well and learning what is right and what is wrong.